
About me

      Hello, my name is Hiroki. I'm nineteen years old. It is my last year as a teenager. I' m from Kumamoto. I live in Yokotemati. I have one older brother. My brother will be a fire fighter from this April. I look up to my brother, because he is a hard worker. I want to be like him. Do you work hard everyday? I probably don't. By the way do you have hobby? My hobbies are watching and playing sports, and listening to music. I especially like baseball. So I have played baseball for four years when I was an elementary school student. I was played left fielder. I like baseball, but i don't like practice, because practice is very hard. So I am very tired. What't your favorite baseball team? My favorite baseball team is the Softbankhawks. I love Kokubo in the Hawks. His play is passionate. he is he person who I admire. Do you like music? I like music. I have been playing music since I was a high school student. I belonged the brass band club when I was a high school student. I played percussion, for example,  keyboard instruments are my favorites. i like rock. Do you know ELLEGARDEN? This music group is my favorite, I especially like Takeshi hosomi who is the vocalist in ELLEGARDEN. Please listen to their songs because their voices are very beautiful. If you have never listened to them, you should listen to them someday. can you know about me? I am often called Conan. because i always put on a bowtie. It is my strong point. Can you understand? Thanks for a long time, see you next time.


1 件のコメント:

  1. Please check the following:

    but i don't like
    passionate. he is he person
    i like rock.
    someday. can
    Conan. because i
